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EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Heart and Soul EFT/Modern Energy EFT:


EFT involves tapping on acupressure meridians along with carefully targeted statements to help the client de stress, increase energy flow and thereby release blockages in the energy body.  The premise of this treatment is that negative emotions and beliefs are reflective of energy body disruptions.  The finger tips stimulate energy points on the body as a way to help to open energy blockages and improve energy flow. And the carefully selected statements repeated along with the tapping crafted from the customer's own description of the problem or negative emotions help to facilitate the energy flow. EFT is safe, easy and effective. As a Master EFT practitioner I can guide you in how to do the EFT. Together we can function in tandem as an EFT team to work toward optimal energy flow for you. EFT is more than just about the absence of energy body stress and blockage, it’s about progressing to a place of positivity up the SUE scale, a type of emotional grading scale reflecting how you are feeling at any given time.  Simply put, it's about flowing to a positive place. I am trained in the model developed by Silvia Hartmann which is a little less structured and formulaic than traditional EFT and more free flowing, a method that focuses on the goal of positivity. Practiced this way EFT's effect is two fold. First, EFT can be a way of clearing our negative feelings and emotions, and when an unwanted feeling is gone, the limiting beliefs that the we held can be released.  Then in their place new more positive beliefs can emerge once the energy body is in a more free flowing state.


Woman doing EFT on the karate chop point

Reiki (Usui Tradition)


Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation with the goal of promoting spiritual healing, defined as increasing the flow of the life energy force, also known as vital life force or Qi as the Chinese describe it.  It was discovered by Mikao Usui in 1922.  Reiki is administered by “laying on hands” and techniques that have been practiced for thousands of years.  There are certain hand positions at certain chakras or energy centers in the body where the practitioner hovers or lays on their hands. Reiki is a very simple yet powerful technique. The Reiki practitioner is simply a conduit for universal healing energy, with the goal of helping the recipient experience more calm and relaxation and a more free flowing energy body. I view myself as a Reiki practitioner as someone who helps to calm the waters , so that you can metaphorically dive in deep to the pool of your own soul and achieve an even greater state of spiritual energy flow leading to spiritual release  or healing. This in turn can have ripple effects on other levels of your life ultimately too – positive physical and emotional states.


IET (Integrated Energy Therapy)


IET is a related hands on energy healing technique to Reiki. IET is likewise a safe, gentle nurturing way to empower and balance your life by helping to release energy blockages and increase the flow of your vital energy force.  Similar to Reiki, there are certain hand positions where the practitioner lays hands on or hovers over various energy centers in the body.  However, there are some differences.  IET has many more hand positions and is said to harness spiritual angelic energy and work at the “cellular” level. Feelings and sensations are stored in the cells of the body much like facts are stored in the cells of the brain.  Negative experiences can cause energy body stress manifesting as stress, negative emotions and self -limiting beliefs. These all can become “stuck” or suppressed in the body and disrupt the flow of your vital life energy force at a cellular level.   These energy blockages can limit our experience in life and result in a lack of spontaneity and energy depletion leading to unrest and agitation among other things.  IET focuses on a Cellular Memory Map as it is referred to, focusing on energy centers where the body stores these memories at the cellular level corresponding roughly to the chakra energy system. The goal of IET is to help a client de stress, relax and thus enable them to release these cellular memories, these spiritual blocks themselves. As the blocks begin to be cleared, the suppressed charge of energy dissipates and the energy field is rebalanced. Similar to Reiki the IET practitioner is a facilitator or conduit of sorts.  Any releasing or energy/spiritual “healing” that occurs is really done by the client themselves once the IET practitioner has helped them to de stress and relax and open the flow of energy in the cellular energy body.


Melchizedek Method


This energy healing modality is one that draws on ancient healing wisdom.  This potentially transformative technique works in part similar to IET with angelic realms but takes it to the next level working also with ascended masters and other multi dimensional energies.  Further it operates on the Light Body realm of the energy field helping to balance and rejuvenate chakras and meridians.  The goal is to help with light body activation, flow and rejuvenation, so that you can experience greater expansion of love and light without limiting negative thought patterns and emotions. This method of energy balancing is much older than Reiki and uses a different formula for clearing and balancing than modalities like Reiki, with sacred geometry.  The techniques in this Method are unique.  It is a whole new formula for harmony and spiritual ascension as it is described. Melchizedek method uses a particular sequence called KL formula, meaning Kadmon Light Formula, which is another name for Light Body.  The Light Body is made up of 33 layers having a color and vibration attached to it which is the avenue through which the energy chakras and meridians can  experience balance and rejuvenation. Similar to EFT, this is a hands off modality.  The practitioner sits adjacent to the client who typically is laying on a Reiki style table, and acts as a conduit for Divine/Source energy flow to the recipient. 

Close up portrait of young woman at reik
Sensing Angelic Energy - Male hands reac
Spiritual Healing Session -  male healer

Magnified Healing


At the Energy Healing Center of NH I am now pleased to be able to offer clients an additional healing modality, called Magnified Healing. This is an ancient hands on healing modality. It was first channeled more specifically in modern times under the direct intervention and inspiration of the Ascended Master Lady Kwan Yin in 1992, by the Rev. Kathryn Anderson and Rev. Gisele King, with the goal for the spiritual advancement of humanity and earth. Magnified Healing establishes a constant flow of energy from your heart to Source, to the Divine, through all of the spiritual centers, down to the center of the earth. The link spirals and brings a deep state of
grace and peace pulsing directly from Source/the Divine. Magnified Healing energy flows through the body of the client with the assistance of the practitioner, immediately releasing all “disqualified” energies and imbalances that are then sent to the Violet Fire for transmutation. Magnified Healing is a 5th dimensional frequency vibration healing energy, a tool whose focus is on the heart, unconditional spiritual love and compassion. The goal is the building up of your so-called Light Body, of spiritual healing at all levels of your energy body, physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual. Many have described Magnified Healing energy as soft yet powerful, magnetic, very yin it is essence. Many who have experienced this beautiful energy report feeling uplifted and peaceful, less stressed and more connected to their spiritual center, their divine self. Magnified Healing occurs through balancing the spiritual centers (the chakras). From breath and sound to movement, the client is actively engaged in the process,
while the practitioner functions as a facilitator, using light touch at various energy centers, allowing the participant to continue the spiritual healing process.

Distant Healing Sessions


In addition to in person hands on and off healing sessions, these healing modalities can be sent distantly.  EFT can be sent where the practitioner tunes in and taps by proxy for the client on whatever issue is troubling him or her after the client has provided a description in their own words. Also it is helpful for the client to state  where in the body (which chakras) they are feeling stress and disruption.  Similarly Reiki and IET can be sent separately or in combination distantly, again after discussion with the client about any place they are feeling stress or other disruption in the energy body.  Also it is important to discuss with the client any situation in their life that might be causing stress in the energy field. When I first learned these modalities I was dubious and thought - how can this work without my touching the client or even being in the same room with them?  But then I was undergoing some difficulties health and emotionally speaking which were causing stress to my energy body.  I asked one of my instructors to send distant healing energy to me and my situation as I was still in the training phase.  It is difficult to put into words how I felt, but I could pinpoint the exact moment the energy was sent, as I could literally feel an internal shift to internal calm and peace.  I literally felt great optimism and trust/faith that all would be well. I thought to myself, why if I believe in the power or prayer, would I not believe that these spiritual healing modalities could not work similarly in tapping into the Divine or Universal Energy or Source, whatever you want to call it? Even having experienced it myself, the first time I did a distant healing session for a client, I had a moment of doubt, will this work?  My client's son was in a terrible state of anxiety interspersed with anger over his family's impending move to a new state.  When I tapped into his energy field I literally felt it in my own body.  I used a combination of proxy EFT and then Reiki and IET distantly to try to shift the energy to a more positive state. The next morning my client called me and said, I don't know what you did for my son but he is like a different person, so positive and happy now about the move!  Sometimes the distant energy sessions may have a more subtle effect, or the individual may not be able to detect any shift,  but either way the energy body can still experience relaxation subsequently.  Much like a computer download, the distant energy will make its effects known once the person's energy body is open to receive it down the road. 

The girl prays in nature. eyes closed..j
Crystals are gemstones in their natural state that come from the earth.  From different geographical places around the world.  Crystals as such hold their own energetic charge based on where they come from and how they have been handled.  Certain crystals are typically associated with certain chakras or energy centers in the body in spiritual practices, as each chakra has a color associated with it. And typically crystals associated with the particular chakra reflect that color. Some are said to be grounding-keeping you focused in the here and now, and some are said to be helpful in opening up the spiritual energy centers of the body during meditation or when using energy modalities such as Reiki and IET. There are even different crystal grids which you can make and put in different parts of your house or business when you are meditating or hoping to focus on or manifest certain things, again as a type of spiritual self-help tool. While some people feel this is too woohoo, others are interested in this area.  Some people as I am are trained in “reading crystals” again as a type of spiritual self-help.  There are techniques for so called “clearing” the energy of crystals and recharging them.  I have been trained and certified in these areas if you are curious to learn more about it.  Others while dubious about the spiritual energetic piece associated with crystals, are still drawn to their beauty and uniqueness.  And that is fine too.  Even if you just love to hold and play with them from an aesthetic perspective and revel in their beauty this can be beneficial to your energy body and flow as well.


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Many people are terrified of meditation.  They have images of people chanting, burning incense, sitting in cross legged positions on the floor.  Meditation doesn’t have to be like that, it doesn’t have to be that complicated.  Anyone can do it. It can involve the above things, mantras, etc. if you want it to.  Yet, at its core meditation involves sitting quietly, any way you would like, focusing on your breath – which is your life force, how you are able to send and sense energy flowing through your body. It involves deep and steady breathing as a way of trying to calm your chattering mind. Just taking even 5 minutes out of your day, to be calm and still.  No cell phones, no tablets, no tv.  Just you sitting in peace and quiet.  Meditation can be guided, where a mediation leader speaks throughout.  It can be done alone, one on one with an instructor or in a group with or without music. It can be done without any guidance. Some try to receive guidance, to connect with their Higher Self during meditation or set other goals.  Or it can be “mindful" meditation, where you are just sitting quietly in silence in the present moment.  Meditation is not a goal oriented pursuit when practiced this way.  You just relax and just breathe, no judgment, no goals.   The idea with mindful meditation is to be in the present with yourself.  Sounds simple, and ultimately it is. But it does take practice, and I as someone who has been meditating for a number of years, would be happy to help or coach you learn to meditate.  Whether one on one or in a group setting I would be happy to help guide you on your voyage of self-discovery and peace through meditation.


Tarot/Oracle Cards


Tarot card readings have a long history going back hundreds of years.  They are also referred to as a form of “divination” tool which people are often using to access their so called higher self, their own intuition and spiritual guidance. Decks typically consist of 78 cards, 22 Major arcana cards that relate to major life choices and experiences. The 56 minor arcana cards of the deck are geared to more day to day life questions. There are different suits and meanings associated with the different cards and card spreads.  Oracle cards are a more recent divination tool starting in the early 1900’s.  They are a more fluid system.  And decks vary greatly in theme and content based on their author.  Typically people use oracle cards that resonate with them for different things and themes.  I have some experience in working with tarot and oracle cards for spiritual self- help and educational purposes.  I can assist you in their use, help you with readings or how to use them yourself. Again they can’t take the place of appropriate medical, legal, financial or other advice, but can help you on your own journey of spiritual enlightenment and self- help.  I find them an interesting spiritual tool to help with clarity on inspiration and intuition received while meditating or other times when I receive inspiration.



Intuitive Healing Session Includes a combination

of the following modalities:


  • Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)

  • Reiki (Usui tradition)

  • Melchizedek Method

  • Short Tarot/Oracle Card reading included if desired

  • In Person Session (approximately 2 hours) $159

  • In Person without card reading  $149

  • Distant Energy Session (Approximately 1.5 hours) $129


 Individual Services Available


  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Session $149

  • Magnified Healing Session $149

  • Tarot/Oracle Card Readings $125


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