FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
The Energy Body: What is an “energy body”?
Each human being beyond the physical, mental and emotional has an energy body. The Chinese refer to it as Qi, in India it is known as Prana. Some call it the Soul. Others refer to it as the Spirit. There are certain energy centers throughout your body at various points known as chakras. When we have experiences in life, particularly challenging ones, such as loss or mistreatment, our experiences give rise to reflection on these events and certain habitual thoughts. These thoughts in turn lead to the rise of emotions in us; we can become angered, hateful, fearful, hurt, depressed, envious, you name it, the whole panoply of human emotions. And these emotions are in essence feedback from the energy body, indicating energy body stress at the soul level. And this stress can result in an interference with flow leading to spiritual disruptions and blockages. In other words the flow of energy just gets stuck in certain areas, chakras if you will. These energy blockages can in turn manifest at the physical level ultimately as well.
Energy Body Stress: What is it and how to resolve/evolve it?
Even though intellectually you may feel you have “moved on” from certain experiences, forgiven, released whatever you call it, your energy body may have other ideas. In other words, you can think to yourself about unpleasant events, for example: You can have been ill treated by someone in your childhood. When you reflect on these events, they can give rise to repetitive thoughts, such as no one can be trusted, I am weak and cannot speak up for myself, these events were my fault. This gives rise to emotions of anger, guilt, resentment, distrust. Your soul, your energy body is clearly experiencing disturbance after your ruminations, manifesting as these emotions. You can engage in therapy and intellectually and psychologically process these experiences and to a great degree you have moved on, released these thoughts and the attendant emotions. While you may have healed at the mental, physical and psychological level from these experiences, your energy body can still be hurting, holding onto the hurt, anger etc. at a cellular level. In short, on the spiritual level you can still be holding on to the stress of these experiences long after you have released them at these other levels. At first I was doubtful about this. However, after I used EFT, Reiki and IET on myself addressing certain hurtful experiences in my life, ones that I thought I’d fully worked through, well I was amazed at the catharsis I experienced. I experienced a feeling of release, where I literally felt like my chest was lighter. Quite literally my energy body was blocking the flow of Qi if you will. I really had experienced physical and psychological healing from other therapies prior, that were wonderfully helpful. But at a spiritual level my spirit, my soul-, the energy body was still holding onto things. These energy modalities should not take the place of medical or psychological treatments, but are a wonderful adjunct for the spiritual energy piece.

Spiritual Healing: What is it actually and how to achieve it?
Spiritual healing literally is where you get to a point of complete relaxation where your energy body releases the stress of experiences that it is holding onto at various energy centers/chakras in the body, which I refer to as “energy disruptions.” The goal and end result can be free flowing energy throughout the energy body. I want to share with you all of these wonderful tools that I have learned on my own journey of spiritual energy awareness and flow. I want to help you to relax and increase your own energy flow and give you the tools to embark on your own spiritual healing. At the end of the day, no one else can “heal” you but yourself. You are the master of your own energy body, and you can feed and nurture it, just the way you try to feed your physical body with healthy foods and participate in exercise regimens and nourish your mind with enriching activities – whether it is reading, learning, classes, school, music. This is one more important and vital element to a life dedicated to self- care and nurturing, to reaching your greatest potential and leading a satisfying and fulfilling life. Reach out for an appointment, come by The Energy Healing Center of NH, and start or further your spiritual journey, you won’t be disappointed! I look forward to getting to know you and working with you.

What are chakras and meridians? And what is an aura?
Chakras are energy centers that correspond to physical centers in the body. The chakras are typically associated with certain colors, emotions and functions. There is the crown chakra located at the top of the head, representing the connection to the Divine, the third eye chakra in the middle of the forehead representing intuition, the throat chakra representing personal truth and expression, the heart chakra representing love, the solar plexus chakra which is around the top of the rib cage corresponding to the digestive organs, representing the center of personal power, the sacral chakra above the navel relating to sensuality and creativity and the base chakra near the reproductive organs representing our basic physical needs, security and desires. For more detailed information on the chakras please look below and consult the titles referenced in the Links section. The chakras can be defined in a way as "transformers" which at the same time receive, assimilate and distribute energy. Energy meridians are often referred to in acupuncture and acupressure as well as in the EFT and Melchizedek Method techniques. They are simply put, like energy highways in the human body, they flow within the body and not on the surface. They pass through the body's organs and chakras like rivers of energy constantly moving, flowing in and out of each other. Every person's energy system also has an aura, to which chakras and meridians are tied, consisting of seven auric layers. The first dimension auric layer is the etheric layer and is closest to the physical body . The second dimension is the emotional body, dealing of course with emotions. The third dimension is the mental layer dealing with thoughts and ideas. The fourth dimension is the astral layer which marks the division between the physical layers and higher layers. It is in essence a bridge to the spiritual realm. The fifth dimensional layer is the etheric template, a blueprint of the physical body on a higher spiritual level. The sixth dimensional layer is the celestial body, which is connected to the spiritual plane, in other words the emotional body on the spiritual plane. Communication with those in the spirit realm take place there. The seventh dimensional layer is the causal body, this is the mental layer of the spiritual level. It reflects all the experiences and events that your soul has undergone. If you are interested in reading more about the chakras and auric layers I suggest you read more about it. Again, some of the titles in the Links section expound upon it.